Cindy Blackstock, centre, has fought for equitable funding for First Nations children since 2008. She weighs in on the parties’ plans on child welfare. Photo by Sean Kilpatrick, the Canadian Press.

Where They Stand: The Parties on Indigenous Child Welfare

Cindy Blackstock doesn’t know why Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau lied about taking First Nations kids to court during the leaders’ debate last week.

But Blackstock, the executive director of the First Nations Child and Family Caring Society, is “really sad” he did.

Especially when there is over 14 years of evidence — including court transcripts, news articles and 20 non-compliance orders from the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal — to the contrary.

“They have every legal right to litigate against our kids. I think it’s morally wrong — and it’s bad for the country — but they’ve chosen to do it,” said Blackstock of the government’s Federal Court case arguing against a tribunal ruling…

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