Job Opportunity: Senior FNLC Policy Analyst
The First Nations Leadership Council (a collaborative working partnership between the political executives of the BC Assembly of First Nations, First Nations Summit and Union of BC Indian Chiefs) is seeking a permanent, full-time Senior Policy Analyst…
Report Examines Anishinaabeg Governance and Family Law
News Release – Nogojiwanong (Peterborough, ON) – The Niijkiwendidaa Anishnaabekwewag Services Circle (NASC) is pleased to release a new report that shines light on Anishinaabeg kinship-centred governance and family law.
Indigenous Child and Family Service Newsletter
Ministry of Children & Family Development – Welcome to the first edition of a ministry newsletter meant to support our commitment to ongoing consultation and collaboration with Indigenous Peoples…
FNLC Optimistic that Agreements-in-Principle First Real Step in Reforming Discriminatory First Nations Child and Family Services System
News Release – After more than thirty years of advocacy and litigation, the First Nations Leadership Council (FNLC) welcomed last week’s announcement that there has been an Agreement in Principle reached…
Indigenous Child and Family Agreement in Principle Information Session
This webinar describes the Canadian Human Rights tribunal background, what this agreement means for First Nations and next steps in the finalizing the agreement.
First Nations Leadership Council Honours Gitanmaax’ Successful Assertion of Inherent Jurisdiction over their Children
The First Nations Leadership Council (FNLC) stands in full support and solidarity with the Gitanmaax in their assertion of inherent jurisdiction over the care and wellbeing…
FNLC Disgusted as Canadian Government Continues to Deny Fighting First Nations Children in Court while Filing an Appeal that States Otherwise
The First Nations Leadership Council (FNLC) is disgusted, yet not surprised, to learn of Canada’s decision today to appeal the Federal Court ruling of Justice Favel…
A 14-year fight over First Nations child welfare could end today — here’s what you need to know
CBC – The federal government has until the end of the day to decide whether to end or prolong a bitter 14-year battle over compensation for discrimination in the Indigenous child welfare system.
Smartphones keep youth in care connected to family, services
Over the next two months, nearly 4,000 youth in government care will receive an iPhone to help keep them connected to friends and family, and provide better access to online services, resources and opportunities.
Youth Voice Survey
The BC Coalition to End Youth Homelessness has developed this short 10–25-minute survey to get insight and magnify the voices of people with lived expertise of youth homelessness. The survey is anonymous.
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Contact Us
If you have any questions, please contact Allyssa Lobbezoo, FNLC Children and Families Policy Analyst: allyssa@ubcic.bc.ca