Historic help for youth from care will support strong transitions to adulthood

March 15, 2022

Young people in government care will have access to new and increased supports until the age of 27.

Budget 2022 investments will better support them as they transition to adulthood.

“Young people transitioning from government care deserve to have the same support, guidance and time to grow that their peers rely on,” said Mitzi Dean, Minister of Children and Family Development. “That’s why we’re moving away from the broken system we inherited to support stronger transitions for all youth aging out of care, not just a few.”

Budget 2022 funds comprehensive supports for young people transitioning from government care to adulthood, including a new financial supplement, a no-limit earnings exemption, help with the cost of housing, improved access to transition workers, enhanced life skills and mental-health programs, and better medical benefits until age 27…

Ministry of Children and Family Development